Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Album Box Score :: Dan Auerbach/Keep It Hid

Keep It Hid is guitarist and front man of the Black Keys' first "solo" album. It has more of some things that the Black Keys don't offer too much of in their efforts; variety. It also features Dan as the master of all trades in the title of the album but we find out that the White Keys (who plays on this album with him) are a bit more prominent than we are led to believe. Black Keys drummer Pat Carney is nowhere to be found and to be honest, it might have helped.

Since he is engrained in Akron, Ohio almost as deeply as King James, we had to bring LeBron into this. LeBron-ness means the songs are fit for a king but not necessarily the King of the Hardwood.


[Total score: 898]

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